JOIN US IN person, live virtually OR ONLINE AT YOUR OWN PACE. Veteran Benefits Accepted.
Time and flexibility are on your side.
Get the career you want and break the payments up over months. Pay at a pace that works for you. PayPal offers 6,12, or 24-month payment plans, $0 down, and no sign-up or late fees. Keep tabs on your payment activity in the PayPal app or online.
Pay Monthly is a PayPal product. Pay Monthly is subject to consumer credit approval. 9.99-29.99% APR is based on the customer’s creditworthiness. Terms may vary based on purchase amount. Pay Monthly may not be available to residents in certain states. Find out more about PayPal's Pay Later.
You can also get approved through the Automotive Dealership Institute's 3DI Learning Platform PayPal interface. Select PayPal's Pay Later option after the enrollment paperwork is submitted.
Follow these steps:
Contact ADI
Local 480-998-7200
Toll-Free 1-877-998-7200
Fax 480-998-7220
6613 N. Scottsdale Road
Suite 100
Scottsdale, Arizona 85250
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